Nanaimo St. Demoviction Raises Doubts About Tenant Protection Policy
Tenants at 326 Nanaimo are facing demoviction and have joined VTU hoping to secure the rights and compensation afforded them by the Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy (TRPP). All tenants are vulnerable, low income, and have been paying significantly lower than CMHC average rent for the area.
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Acting Fast under Threat of Sahota Evictions
VTU organizers were alerted in late August that as many as 20 tenants in two buildings on Wall St. had received eviction notices
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Vancouver Tenants Union Creates Fund For Multilingual Tenant Organizing
[Solheim Place tenants in April, 2019 Photo Credit: Nat Lowe]
July 7, 2019
VTU members voted unanimously in favour of a new “Language Access Fund”
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Marpole Chapter Launches
Tenant organizers in Marpole gathered at Marpole Neighbourhood house on July 23, 2019 to help create another new chapter of the VTU.
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Telling Tenancy Stories Through Sound
VTU members collect tenant stories and partner with a youth arts mentorship program to create audio podcasts about housing.
Above: Kell Gerlings leads a discussion on housing and social action. Photo courtesy of VIVO Media Arts Centre
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Vancouver Council Expands Tenant Relocation Policy - But Not Much Else
Following Cllr Jean Swanson’s motion to protect tenants from renovictions and aggressive buyouts - which VTU members rallied council to pass last December - city staff completed their final report back and recommendations...
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Renters Demand a Green New Deal
On May 25, 2019 the VTU hosted a town hall discussion focused on the intersection of tenant struggles and the Pact for a Green New Deal: an ambitious policy platform to retool and restructure the economy to face the crisis of climate change within the next decade and democratize society in the process.
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Tenants Still Fighting Renovictions as Laws Slowly Shift
Five months after the disappointing Rental Housing Task Force report, the provincial government is still dragging its heels on action against renovictions and other tenant protections.
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Demoviction: Hastings-Sunrise Seniors Fighting to Stay
A Call for Support of Alice Saunders Residents
Alice Saunders House is home to 64 low income seniors and managed by non-profit Brightside Community Homes Foundation. Brightside has decided to invest a $18.1 million grant from the BC government in demolishing Alice Saunders Building and replacing it with a mixed market and non-market building.
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Video: "Capital City" Author Samuel Stein Visits
On May 21, the VTU and The Mainlander co-hosted a panel discussion on gentrification and housing justice organizing with author Samuel Stein and local housing activists Sydney Ball, Nathan Crompton, and Nat Lowe.
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