In The News - Tenants at 1171-1177 East 14th Ave
Feb 23, 2024: "East Van tenants are organizing to fight a potentially devastating real estate loophole" (The Georgia Straight)
Feb 23, 2024: "Some B.C. tenants see threat in push for density" (The Globe & Mail)
Feb 16, 2024:“Forget it, leave us here:” East Van Tenants Draw Crowd to Reject Eviction by Landlord Loophole (The Mainlander)
Feb 16, 2024: East Vancouver renters fight conversion to strata units by new building owner (Vancouver Sun)
Feb 13, 2024: Entrevue avec Julie Lavallée : se faire expulser de son logement (CBC Radio-Canada)
Dec 1, 2023: How a rare rental conversion upends a small community (The Globe & Mail)
Comic by James Lloyd @outtatheinkwell