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About Plan A Real Estate
This page hosts a wealth of publicly available information that we have gathered about Plan A Real Estate. Use the nav bar at the top of this page to learn more about Plan A and Anoop Majithia, their staff and associates, their rental properties and more.
This page is a work in progress and will be updated as more information becomes available. If you notice any errors or would like to contribute information, please contact us.
What does Plan A do?
Plan A Real Estate is a real estate brokerage and property management company located at #240 - 997 Seymour St in Vancouver. The company's managing broker is Anoop Majithia, who employs numerous licensed and unlicensed professionals to run its operations.
To its real estate clients, Plan A says its primary goal is to "maximise your investment returns". Not surprisingly, it's Plan A's tenants who end up carrying the burden of that commitment.
Plan A's modus operandi has been to buy older buildings where tenants typically pay lower rent, then remove existing tenants and flip units into "boutique" or “luxury” rentals. Plan A's business practices have a significant negative impact both on its own tenants and indirectly on tenants all across the city. Eviction has immediate and acutely negative impacts on tenants' health and wellbeing and wrests people from the communities they build with their neighbours.
British Columbia's commitment to vacancy decontrol, a framework that gifts landlords unlimited rent increases between tenancies, means Plan A's actions have a broader impact as well: the permanent removal of hundreds of affordable rental units from the city's housing stock. Many of the units end up on AirBnB as well.
A pattern of bad behaviour
Plan A implements its business model via a range of underhand or downright illegal tactics against its tenants. Plan A is known to have abused loopholes in the Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) processes, including evictions based on 'caretaker-use' and 'personal, landlord-use'. In June 2022, the Residential Tenancy Branch fined Plan A and Majithia for at least 152 confirmed contraventions of the Residential Tenancy Act. Majithia was fined $10,000 for operating a scheme where they crafted proprietary 'Furnished Travel Accommodation Tenancy Agreements’ in order to circumvent the RTA (see this RTB decision for more details).
While we will only share verifiably factual information on this page, readers may get a broader understanding of Plan A’s reputation by reading the company’s Yelp reviews.
This is likely only a small sample of the actual harms Majithia and his company have caused. As we know, most tenant harassment and displacement goes unreported in BC, since most tenants do not have the resources or support to fight unscrupulous landlords. The City of Vancouver's efforts to protect renters went from bad to worse when millionaire Mayor Ken Sim and his minions voted to dismantle the city's Renter Office. The provincial government too does a very poor job of protecting tenants or educating us on our rights when faced with unscrupulous landlords, and keeps very little data on evictions.
Plan A's latest target
Not surprisingly, the RTB's measly fine did not divert Majithia from his course. Plan A's next target is the tenants of Park Beach Manor. Since purchasing the building at 1925 Nelson St, Plan A and Majithia have embarked on a campaign of harassment and deception against the building's tenants, some of whom have called the building home for decades. Park Beach Tenants now put up with constant threats, secret surveillance, bogus eviction notices, and a civil defamation suit aimed at silencing their complaints. All the while vacated units are listed and rented out for more than double the current cost, up to $3,600.
Plan A and Majithia may be persistent, well-resourced and highly litigious. But the tenants of Park Beach Manor have something he will never have - the unwavering solidarity and support of thousands of their friends, neighbours and renters across Vancouver.
Together, we say NO WAY to PLAN A.
This page is a work in progress and more information will be added as it becomes available.
The information on this page is presented to help tenants better understand the threats posed by Plan A and their known associates.
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