46 VTU members and guests attended our November Annual General Meeting which took place on November 26th in-person and over zoom. Here is a summarized version of the minutes.
Item 1 - Land Acknowledgement and Community Agreements
Item 2 - Financial Report from Treasurer
- The financial report was presented
- Members can email [email protected] for a copy of our financial report
Motion to approve the financial report
- VOTE: Motion passed unanimously
Item 3 - Steering Committee Report
- Four healthy and thriving neighborhood chapters: Mount Pleasant, Eastside, Fairview, and the West End
- Organizing in eight buildings
- Hoping to onboard new chapters in 2024
Item 4 - Working Group Updates and Chapter Reports
Mount Pleasant Chapter
- Focusing on face-to-face organizing
- Meetings every Tuesday, alternating between organizing and admin/business
- Multiple building fights
- Success having the eviction of a neighbour rescinded!
Eastside Chapter
- Action at City Hall to prevent demoviction of member
- Big fight against a landlord who manages four buildings, including letter writing, protests at the office, and media coverage
- Continuing pressure to ensure tenant’s demands are met
West End Chapter
- Reawakened as of April
- Tabling at local farmer’s markets
- Held multiple workshops
- Learning from past mistakes to ensure the chapter has a wide variety of volunteers to share the burdens of organizing
Fairview Chapter
- Was struggling with low attendance
- Goal was to be self-sustaining, and that has been achieved!
- Multiple postering campaigns
- Getting lots of people involved
- Organizing in five buildings
- Had a BBQ in late September with over 150 coming out to talk to their neighbours and build solidarity!
Communications Working Group
- Lots of background and design work this year
- Working to build procedures so more union members can be empowered to post on behalf of their chapters
- Building tools to make that easy
Education & Outreach Working Group
- Formerly known as MOATS
- Meets when necessary
- Updating workshops with new information
- Working on a system for people to request workshops
- Building a VTU library
Data Tools Working Group
- Are meeting again!
- Holding a Hack-A-Thon on December 5th
- Making those regular monthly events
Item 5 - Steering Committee Election - Members heard from nominees running for a term on the Steering Committee. Because there were fewer nominees than seats available, attending members voted to acclaim all nominees. The newly elected members are:
Jonathan B, Liam Fox, Melanie Budisusilo, Nat, Rebecca L, Victoria B
A big thanks to the amazing work of the outgoing elected Steering Committee members from 2022/23 who have stepped down:
AJ Batalden, Gordon Macdonald, Lillian Deeb, Mazdak Gharibnavaz, Neil Vokey
Item 6 - Special Resolution (ATUN)
- Resolution to join the Autonomous Tenants Union Network (ATUN)
- Members shared their experience with the LA Tenants Union and ATUN earlier this year
- ATUN had their west coast convention this summer and had their national convention in LA last year
Motion to join ATUN
- VOTE: Motion passed with a majority
Item 7 - Motion to Fund Translation Equipment
- Discussion about spending resources on translation equipment
- The VTU is increasingly encountering need for translation services so tenants can engage in meetings, building organizing, etc
- Part of the work to become a more inclusive and multilingual union
- Over the summer, there was a commitment from the VTU to join the 105 Keefer campaign, which includes developing a language school
Motion to fund translation equipment
- VOTE: Motion passed unanimously
Item 8 - Community Announcements
- Mount Pleasant Social - Tuesday, November 28th at 7pm
- Donate to SLAM, the Montreal autonomous tenants union
Live minutes are recorded at each GM and condensed for the website. For more detailed minutes any member may contact us: [email protected]