The Solidarity Fund for Multilingual Tenant Organizing consists of $500 per quarter (topped up every three months).
These funds are to be made available on request by sending a written application below, or via direct email. Approval of the application to be reviewed by the Vancouver Tenants Union (VTU) Steering Committee within two weeks of receiving the application. Applications will be approved based on the following criteria:
- That the application be submitted by a grassroots or community-based group, not on behalf of a political party, for-profit organization or a non-profit organization in which tenants do not make up the majority of its leadership.
- That the application be used for the sole purpose of multilingual tenant organizing.
- That the application include an approximate dollar amount needed and a description of the intended use of funds for the purpose of multilingual tenant organizing.
The fund is currently available.
Note: As per a special resolution passed by VTU members on July 6, 2019, this fund will be evaluated in at a General Meeting in late 2019 to assess if it is producing the intended result and/or is sustainable when considering the financial security of the organization. Read more about the Language Access Fund here.
Please do not hesitate to contact the VTU if you have any questions regarding this fund.
Want to donate to support this fund? Click HERE