August 2021 [Virtual] General Meeting Minutes

30 VTU members attended the August 8th general meeting. Here is a summarized version of the minutes. 

Item 1 - Territorial Acknowledgement & Community Agreements

Item 2 - BREAKOUT GROUPS - quick introductions

Item 3 - Rent.Strike.Bargain campaign short update

Item 4 - Mt. Pleasant Chapter update (Solidarity Fundraiser + Weekly Sunday meetings at Dude Chilling park at 11:30am)

Item 5 - Joyce/Collingwood Chapter update

MOTION: VTU general membership allocate $3270 to spend as proposed in the Joyce-Collingwood Chapter budget

Motion passes (In favour: 21, abstain: 2, opposed: 0)

Item 6 - Internal Relations Committee proposed Bylaw Change on membership criteria - presentation + discussion

MOTION: VTU General Membership accepts the following changes to Section 2.1 of the bylaws in order to clarify who is a member in good standing; Be it further resolved that membership tasks the Internal Relations committee to add a map of the "Lower Mainland" as an appendix to further clarify section 2.1

Motion Passes (In favour: 21, abstain: 1, opposed: 0)

Item 7 - VTU Stipend Policy presentation + discussion

MOTION: VTU Membership accepts the recommendation from the Internal Relations Committee to adopt the following stipend policy. Stipends will be paid to individuals for projects or budgets brought forward to and approved by the general membership. It shall be a stipend for individuals to be requested monthly, up to a maximum of $1,500/month. Translation services of any kind: $80/hour, everything else - $20/hour. This policy is reviewed by the Internal Relations Committee and brought back to the membership by February 1, 2022

Motion Passes (In favour: 23; abstain 1; opposed: 1)

Item 8 - Internal Relations Committee -  Roles on Steering Committee; Presentation + Discussion

MOTION: VTU membership accepts the recommendation of the Internal Relations Committee (as presented / amended) to adopt the framework for Steering Committee roles for the following year, 2021-2022. Internal Relations committee will work with Steering Committee members to write bylaw language for these roles. Bylaw language for these roles must be written and presented to membership by August 1st 2022

Motion Passes (In favour 20; abstain 1; opposed: 0) 

Item 9 - Broadway Line Rent Survey presentation + discussion

MOTION: VTU members support applying for a grant of $7800 from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives to fund the Rent Survey project and should VTU be awarded the grant, membership approves spending up to $3000 of VTU funds on the project, if necessary.

Motion Passes unanimously

Open Floor for Members 

Meeting Adjourned

Live minutes are recorded at each GM and condensed for the website. For more detailed minutes any member may contact us: [email protected]