Throw Your Name in the Hat for the VTU's Steering Committee

We need good people to help us build this tenant movement!


Please consider throwing your name in the hat for our Steering Committee.

As most of you know, we’re having our first AGM on Nov 26th at the Russian Hall at 1PM. The two big items that we’re going to accomplish at the AGM are ratifying our Constitution and Bylaws and Electing our Steering Committee.

Please spread the word to leaders within your community who are passionate about housing justice, and can commit to regular meetings and between 1-5 volunteer hours a week. No previous experience serving on a formal board or steering committee is necessary. Nominees must be members of the VTU.

We encourage nominees from a diversity of backgrounds as we understand that people of marginalized races, genders, age and/or abilities can face more severe injustices and discrimination in the housing market. We prioritize space for those with lived experience with homelessness, living in SROs or social housing.

Election Process:

If you wish to run for the Vancouver Tenants Union Steering Committee, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page and return it via email to [email protected] by the end of the day on Wednesday November 22, 2017. 

Because we want to have a diversity of people in the Steering Committee, we will make sure that half of the elected seats go to Equity Members. What this means is that the top vote getting people who identify themselves as coming from underrepresented communities will get a spot on the VTU Steering Committee. This includes, but is not limited to, people of colour, LGTBQ2IA+ folks and seniors. Two of these spots will be reserved for those who have lived experience with homelessness, living in SROs or in social housing.

It’s optional, but we encourage you to self identify and check the box for “equity member.” Do this if you consider yourself to be from a community that experiences marginalization or lack of representation in Vancouver politics, or if you have relevant lived experience such as time spent living homeless, with housing precarity or in social housing. Please include an explanation of why you checked this box or what community you belong to in your statement.

We also have space on the Steering Committee for one representative from each VTU Working Group. These will be called “WG Liaisons.” If you currently are part of a Working Group please check the appropriate box.

No previous experience in a board, steering committee or official capacity is necessary.


 ==>Click here for a copy of VTU Steering Committee Nomination Form

