November 2022 [Virtual] Annual General Meeting Minutes

38 VTU members and guests attended our November annual general meeting which took place over Zoom. Here is a summarized version of the minutes. 


Item 1 - Territorial Acknowledgement & Community Agreements

Item 2 - Financial Report from Treasurer including how we have spent our grant money over the past year.

MOTION: The VTU general membership accept the Sept 16 2021 - Nov 05 2022 Treasurer Report 

Motion passes (In favour: 33, abstain: 1, opposed: 0)

Item 3 - Steering Committee Report.

  • Educate, Agitate, Organize!
  • Member Education
  • Supporting New Neighbourhood Chapters
  • Lessons Learned from Chapters
  • Solidarity with our unhoused neighbours
  • Municipal Organizing - a New direction
  • Other Actions and Decisions

Item 4 - Working Group Reports from MOATS, Defend Broadway, Comms, and Data Tools

Item 5 - Steering Committee Election - Members heard from nominees running for a term on the Steering Committee. Because there were fewer nominees than seats available, attending members voted to acclaim all nominees. The newly elected members are:

AJ Batalden, Lillian Deeb, Liam Fox, Mazdak Gharibnavaz, Rebecca L, Gordon Macdonald, Neil Vokey

A big thanks to the amazing work of the outgoing elected Steering Committee members from 2021/22 who have stepped down:

Mariah G.,  Lea Hogan, Evan M., Vince Tao, Joey Thall, Tintin Yang

Item 6 - Neighbourhood Chapter Reports

  • East Side
  • Fairview
  • Mt. Pleasant
  • West End

Item 7 - Motion to purchase t-shirts

  • WHEREAS we have a need for more VTU t-shirts
  • WHEREAS we have sufficient funds to pay for a run of t-shirts
    • BIRT up to 6641 CAD be allocated for the printing of 300 t-shirts by Cavan Advertising
    • BIFRT that these T-shirts will not be sold for money because their purchase was funded by a grant
    • Motion passes: 23 IN FAVOUR, 2 ABSTAIN, 0 OPPOSED

Item 8 - Open floor for members, working groups, chapter announcements


Live minutes are recorded at each GM and condensed for the website. For more detailed minutes any member may contact us: [email protected]