March 2021 [Virtual] General Meeting

42 VTU members attended the March 2021 general meeting. Here is a summarized version of the minutes. 

  1. Item 1 - Territorial Acknowledgement & Community Agreements
  2. Item 2 - Update: Union Structuring/Visioning - Steering Committee engagement with members
  3. Item 3 - Update: Members report back on meeting with David Eby
  4. Item 4 - Motion from City Hall Working Group for C2 zoning focused campaign, REITs motion report back
    • Proposed Motion
      • BIRT:For the purposes of further mobilization and organizing, the VTU membership endorses the one-for-one rental replacement protections in C2 zones proposed in city council public hearing on March 11.
    • Discussion
      • After discussion, motion tabled until next GM
  5. Item 5 - Update from Rent.Strike.Bargain Organizers
  6. Item 6 - Report on Vancouver City Renter Services Grant
  7. Item 7 - Community Housing Transformation Centre’s Community Based Tenants Initiative Fund
    • Proposed Motion
      • BIRT VTU membership authorize Steering Committee to apply for a grant from the Community Housing Transformation Centre’s Community Based Tenants Initiative Fund
    • M/S: In Favour: 33, Opposed: 0, Abstain: 3. Motion Carries.
  8. Item 8 - Member Proposes Motion for Financial Assistance with RTB Hearing
    • Discussion
    • Amended Motion:
    • WHEREAS the tenants in the joint claim against [redacted] intend to take the RTB decision to the Supreme Court
      WHEREAS the issue at hand, access to procedural fairness at the RTB is important to all renters.
      BIRT the VTU allocate up to $2500 to fund the legal costs of hiring a lawyer for Judicial Review.
      BIFRT VTU try to source funding or access to lawyers in other ways.
      BIFRT VTU organize and try to mobilize around this issue and make this a public fight.
    • M/S: In favour: 31, Opposed: 0, Abstain: 2. Motion Carries

Meeting Adjourned

Live minutes are recorded at each GM and condensed for the website. For more detailed minutes any member may contact us: [email protected]