June 2021 [Virtual] General Meeting Minutes

30 VTU members attended the June 27 general meeting. Here is a summarized version of the minutes. 

Item 1 - Territorial Acknowledgement & Community Agreements

Item 2 - Presentation on recent tenant organizing training and core concepts

Item 3 - Joyce/Collingwood Neighbourhood Chapter update

Item 4 - BREAKOUT DISCUSSIONS - members joined discussions with fellow members in their own neighbourhoods/chapters

Item 5 - Other Working Group/Chapter Updates

- M.O.A.T.S. working group has new Keep Your Landlord in Check workshop and Handbook. Other workshops in development

- Rent.Strike.Bargain got an endorsement from the New West District and Labour Council

Item 6 - Finance Update on New/Mode Subscription

MOTION: The VTU suspends our subscription to New/Mode until there is a need for their services again; membership delegates the responsibility of passing and suspending New/Mode services to the Steering Committee

[Motion passes unanimously]

Open Floor for Members 

- East Van RV City has been given an eviction notice by the city. RV dwellers have asked the city to designate a small piece of unused land where they can park. The city has not responded. The city continues to ticket and tow people’s RVs, attempting to displace people one at a time. Katie F put together an email script to share with us, and is looking for feedback as well.

MOTION: VTU membership supports the East Van RV City campaign

[Motion passes unanimously]

- Member proposes VTU work with votehousing.ca, a coalition whose goal is to ask government for more housing supply, focused on a pledge campaign that anticipates a federal election. Proposal is to have votehousing.ca group to give a 1 hour presentation to members of VTU. 

MOTION: VTU invite the Vote Housing campaign representatives to make a 10 minute presentation followed by a 10 min Q&A to the members of the VTU general membership so they can then vote on whether to endorse the campaign.

7 in Favour; 15 Oppose 5 abstentions [motion does not pass]


Meeting Adjourned

Live minutes are recorded at each GM and condensed for the website. For more detailed minutes any member may contact us: [email protected]