When your apartment building sells to new owners, it’s an important time for tenants to be vigilant for tactics that are used to scare tenants to leave. Talk to your neighbours. Sharing information with each other increases everyone’s chances of not being tricked, harassed or pressured to leave.
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Method 1: Set-up a google alert for your own address
Go to Google Alerts: https://www.google.com/alerts
In the box at the top, enter a topic you want to follow.
Eg: “1234 Adanac Street”
(in quotations, whole spelling of street)
You may need multiple spellings
For example, try both “7th avenue” AND “seventh avenue”
- To change your settings, click Show options. You can change:
- How often you get notifications
- The types of sites you’ll see (Automatic)
- Your language
- The part of the world you want info from (Canada)
- How many results you want to see
- What accounts get the alert
- Click Create Alert. You’ll get emails whenever we find matching search results.
This should pick up advertisements from common commercial real estate websites where multi-family rental properties are listed.
Method 2: Search by individual website here are a list of the most commonly used sites:
Apartment Buildings:
- Goodman Report: https://goodmanreport.com/apartment-buildings/
- NAI Commercial: https://www.apartmentblocks.ca/apartment-buildings/
- CBRE Commercial: https://multifamilybc.cbrevancouver.com/listings/
What happens if you find your building for sale?
When your rental building is for sale, it’s an important time for tenants to be vigilant for tactics that are used to scare tenants to leave.
Talk to your neighbours! Sharing information and setting up lines of communication with each other increases everyone’s chances of not being tricked, harassed or pressured to leave. Contact the Vancouver Tenants Union - we can help you and your fellow tenants organize.