April 2021 [Virtual] General Meeting

50 VTU members attended the March 2021 general meeting. Here is a summarized version of the minutes. 

  1. Item 1 - Territorial Acknowledgement & Community Agreements
  2. Item 2 - Update from the Steering Committee on Union Structuring/Visioning
    • Proposed Motion
      • BIRT VTU general membership accepts the report from Steering Committee visioning session on April 4, 2021
    • M/S: In Favour: 33, Opposed: 0, Abstentions: 0
    • Proposed Motion
      • BIFRT VTU general membership affirms the proposed structure as a framework for moving forward in the visioning process
    • M/S: In Favour: 34, Opposed: 0, Abstentions: 1
  3. Item 3 - Finance/Grant Update
  4. Item 4 - Proposal to join IUT (International Union of Tenants)
    • Proposed Motion
      • BIRT VTU join the International Union of Tenants, for an annual membership fee of 60 Euros
      • Motion discussed, but tabled for future discussion, due to unaddressed concerns with IUT charter
  5. Item 5 - Update on VTU work with Sliced Mango Collective
  6. Item 6 - Update on VTU Town Hall with David Eby
  7. Item 7 - Follow up on City Hall C2 Motion
  8. Item 8 - Update about West Side Chapter
  9. Item 9 - Open Floor for Members

Meeting Adjourned

Live minutes are recorded at each GM and condensed for the website. For more detailed minutes any member may contact us: [email protected]